Rise & Shine: Cuomo sympathetic to 'last in, first out' critiques

  • Gov. Cuomo made comments that imply sympathy to calls for changing seniority layoff rules. (Post)
  • The Panel for Educational Policy voted to close 12 more schools. (GS, Times, DN, Post, NY1, WSJ)
  • Parents are pushing for more comprehensive action on the presence of PCBs in schools. (Times)
  • The principal of Staten Island’s PS 30 threatened to fine teachers who were late due to weather. (Post)
  • The television show “Glee” has drawn new voices to youth choirs. (Times)
  • California parents moved one step closer to converting their school into a charter school. (L.A. Times)
  • Both sides in the education war are right, and both can be unfair, a columnist says. (Washington Post)
  • A conflict with chef Jamie Oliver caused Los Angeles to bar reality TV shoots in schools. (L.A. Times)
  • Ed tech types say Joel Klein’s NewsCorp endeavor is hardly assured success. (EdWeek)