Republish our stories for free!

At Chalkbeat Tennessee, our mission is to give people the information they need to make smart, informed decisions related to education. For that reason, we want our stories to be shared as widely as possible!

Whether you run a blog, newspaper, radio or television website, we welcome and encourage you to reuse our content using the “Repost” button that appears in each of our stories’ share toolbars. By using the Repost button, you will be able to publish our full stories, including photos and any ads we have attached.

If you would like to use our stories or photos, but do not want to use the Repost widget, please e-mail our director of engagement Anika Anand at to receive permission to do so. Re-using Chalkbeat content without our permission, or outside of using the Repost button, is prohibited.

Here’s how the Repost button works:

Above every story, there is a share toolbar, which includes the Repost button (highlighted by the yellow box below).

When you click that button, a window will pop up and give you that article’s embed code. Simply copy and paste the code into your website’s content management system (CMS). You will only be copying the story text, so when you post the article on your site, it will match your site’s design.

We are experimenting with this tool because it allows us to track where and how often our content is being republished. If you have questions or want to give feedback on Repost, please e-mail Anika Anand at

To see our full guidelines on using Repost, visit our about page.