Michigan education policy

Kelley Cusmano was selected as the state’s top outstanding teacher after a months-long process that began with 700 nominations.

Amid a literacy crisis in Michigan, these educators want nearly every public school in the state to have a library and a certified librarian.

The sponsor of the bill says it would create a culture of expectation that formal education must begin early.

The board on Tuesday signaled to lawmakers that they want new laws to reform the state’s charter school system.

Nikki Snyder, the board member who introduced the measures, stormed out of the meeting in frustration after her colleagues rejected them.

One-time federal dollars are set to run out and a state surplus is projected to decline. Michigan public school districts will have to make difficult decisions.

Home-schooling advocates in Michigan say requiring registration would be the first step toward government interference.

The legislation was inspired by the “heartbreaking” stories of Michigan foster youth.

On Wednesday, groups that support students considered to be at-risk asked legislators to continue to increase funding for programs that benefit children with high needs.

Two years after first introduced, lawmakers began considering bills aimed at preventing violence in Michigan schools.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s accelerated plan to offer free preschool to all 4-year-olds in Michigan requires more teachers. Nonprofits plan to help bring more educators to the profession.

The majority of states in the U.S. don’t require kindergarten attendance.

The state has allocated $328 million to improve student mental health in 2024, but school mental health workers say it’s not enough.

As the state works to solve the ongoing teacher shortage, advocates are asking legislators to fund retention efforts in addition to educator pipelines.

Some requirements in the bills were changed in response to school officials’ concerns that staffing shortages would make compliance impossible.

One of the high points in the graduation rate data released Friday: the Lansing School District, where the rate has increased dramatically since 2021.

State payments on retirement debt freed up $670 million that is helping fund many of Whitmer’s education initiatives.

n Tuesday, the Senate Education Committee began hearing testimony from students, parents, and teachers who want more structured phonic literacy instruction for all public school students.

As debates over how to best teach kids to learn to read continue in Michigan schools, many parents are wondering which programs are considered best practices.